Research Proposal - The 3-Dimensional Mind
Background or Position:
Creating and making things has always meant a lot to me. The self efficacy it has given me has transferred to self confidence in all areas of my life. To envision a 3-dimensional object in my mind and create it gives me a great deal of freedom. From clothing to furniture and home decorations, my treasured belongings were always original and one of a kind. In school I scored high on spatial relationship tests in the Iowa Basic Skills Tests given when I was in school in Minnesota. I always had an interest in related subjects like ceramics and architecture. I have kept a “Can Do” attitude towards most everything. I look at all sides of a situation and come up with a plan or solution. Designing 3-dimensional objects has had such an important influence on my life that I want to learn about its effects on others and their development.
Research Question:
How does 3-dimensional design education impact newborn through adolescence development? How important is spatial visual skills to normal brain development? I want to look at how this type of development helps the students in other areas of their lives and their future. Especially now when technology is 2-dimensional, are we losing practice and education in dimensional thinking? Popularity of hand building anything has decreased over the years. It used to be standard for girls to learn to sew or do needlecrafts and boys were taught woodworking or metal crafts. This was gender biased but in doing away with biases have our students lost an important part of their education?
Related Research:
• Eisner, E. (2002) The Arts and the Creation of Mind. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
• Liu, E. and Noppe-Brandon, S. (2009) Imagination First. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass.
Gardner, H. (2006). “Five Minds for the Future”. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press
Holt, J. (1995). “How Children Learn” revised edition. New York, NY: Delta/Seymour Lawrence, c1983
Hetland, Winner, Veenema, Sheridan. (2007). “Studio Thinking, The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education”. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Columbia University
Dissanayake, E. (1988). “What is Art For?”. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press
Informed consent forms including an ethics statement will be used for interviewing Graduate students and Professional adults.
Data Sources:
1. Professional research: books, articles and journals about development factors involved in 3-D Art Education. Research done and theories providing background about the benefits to learning involved in providing spatial skills to students.
2. Historical data on aptitude tests. I hope to find information about the Iowa Basic Skills test for spatial relationship understanding dated back to the 70's and any other similar tests. I want to find statistics that show trends and their relationships to education in this area, gender differences and directives promoting educational trends.
3. Interviews, with professionals and graduate students in careers that use 3-D design. I expect subjects will recall designing or playing with 3-D toys when young and how they like to design or create 3-D objects.
4. Surveys of beginning college ceramic students. I expect to see student history of Art classes or creating Art outside of schooling and I expect that most students enjoy Ceramic class.
5. Directives in education relating to 3-D design. Historical directives and past trends. I expect to find 3-D design included in Educational theory and trends for Art Education in general. I know educational directives have been promoting Engineering and related fields in subjects like math and science and I'm not expecting design or Art to have been included in these directives.
Methods and Analysis:
I will use information from studies already conducted by past research to create a background for what is already known. Then I will use a historical approach looking at data specific to testing and educational trends in the past. I will also use qualitative and quantitative approaches when evaluating the responses to the student surveys and when interviewing the Graduate students.
Time Line:
Feb 24 – Feb 25 Read information gathered so far and work on annotated bibliography.
Feb 28 – Mar 1 Search for more books, articles and journals.
Mar 2 Go to University Library for more resource gathering.
Mar 4 Interview Graduate Ceramic students.
Mar 7 Survey students in beginning college ceramic classes.
Mar 9 Gather any additional information from the University Library.
Mar 10 Gather any information that could be found at my local library, local school district archives or any other place I can think of.
Mar 11 Continue research for any information I can from M S & T for possible directives on promoting engineering fields to K-12 students. I want to look at any educational objectives or goals that they have found important and how they could be achieved through art education.
Mar 23 Continue search at University for historical information on classes offered and student enrollment and graduates in a type of 3-D art. I want to look for trends and associations. Search and pick-up any additional resources from the library.
Mar 24 – Apr 12 Reading, writing, analyzing and interpreting information.
Apr 14 – Apr 26 Revising and designing powerpoint presentation.
Possible Findings:
I expect to find attributes or related skills obtained through 3-D design learning. I expect to find correlations between creating thinking and development of 3-D design skills.
I hope to gain a better understanding of how others look at these skills and how they have affected their lives. I also hope to find information showing the importance of 3-D design development especially in our technology rich age.
I wish to share what I find with fellow parents, colleagues and educators by including my findings as a page on a blog I’m designing. The blog is going to be specifically about creating with clay and I want to show the importance of developing these types of skills in our students.